For companies of all sizes
Download all the legal documents of your customers in one place.
Find out in a few clicks about the solvability of your customers
Quickly download all the legal and financial information about your partners and competitors
Access our database of more than 10M French companies. Download the legal documents of millions of companies unlimited
The essential information
To the data of more than 10M companies
To the key data of the companies
Priority support in 1 working day
2-day trial period at 1.49 € HT
59.90 HT euros/month
StartThe basic package plus:
VAT numbers of companies
Download up to 10 paid documents (contact support for more important needs
Brand monitoring
Access to the legal data of more than 10 million companies (managers, Bodac announcements, etc.)
All the information you need in one platform
FREE access
Enjoy our free offer to access key information on millions of companies to develop your business.
Fast access
Create your user account and download all the documents you need in a few clicks.
Premium access
Our premium offer at 59.90 € per month (offer without commitment with a trial period of 1.49 € for 2 days) allows you to download paid documents in a few seconds.
Frequently asked questions
Is it free to create an account?
You can create an account for free and start searching for information about the companies of your choice by clicking here
How to upgrade to a premium account?
To upgrade from a free account to a premium account, simply order a premium document (VAT number, SIRENE notice, etc.)
What does the premium offer correspond to?
The premium offer is detailed here and allows you to access all legal information on more than 10 million companies. The offer includes a 2-day discovery offer at 1.49 € HT as well as a monthly subscription of 59.90 € HT cancellable at any time on our site or by contacting support
How to contact support?
Our support is available by clicking on the “Contact” link or by e-mail at the following address “”
Your personal space everywhere with you
Custom dashboard
In a few clicks, view the information you really need for effective management
Professional support
Our customer support responds to all your requests in 1 working day
Protected and secure
Our priority: the security and confidentiality of your personal data
Instant synchronization
Download a document from your computer and access it from your phone directly
+10000000 businesses listed
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